danasnji outfit je dosta jednostavan; sastoji se od ovih balerinki, verovatno najruznijih cipela koje posedujem, ovog crnog bodya od plisa i ovih divnih farmerica!

na vratu imam choker i dosta prstenja po prstima jer mislim da odlican outfit je nista bez dobrog asesoara!

body je iz zare, hlace i svi detalji iz stradivariusa i cipele iz h&ma!


today’s outfit is pretty simple and it consists of these ugly shoes from h&mπŸ˜…, this black velvet bodysuit from zara, and these crazy pants fromstradivarius! my details are also from stradivarius!


Published by ollizzzle

Hello! I’m Olivera and I like fashion, style, beauty and makeup! So that’s why I made this blog. Thank you for reading. Xoxo

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